Second Climate Summit – Wakefield Council

in Wakefield

Wakefield Council recently organized its second Climate Summit, a significant event dedicated to addressing climate change and fostering a collaborative approach to achieving carbon neutrality in the district.

The summit, held on June 18 at Tileyard North, brought together a diverse group of partners, businesses, and organizations to share knowledge and strategies on their journey towards a sustainable future.

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Collaborative Efforts Towards Net Zero

The Council has set an ambitious goal of becoming a carbon-neutral organization by 2030 and aims to enable the entire district to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2038. The summit served as a platform for attendees to discuss progress, exchange ideas, and reinforce their commitment to these targets.

Cllr Jack Hemingway, Wakefield Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, emphasized the importance of collective action and learning from one another to make substantial progress in their climate initiatives.

Wakefield’s Climate Action Plan

In 2019, Wakefield Council declared a climate emergency and subsequently published its Climate Change Action Plan in 2020. This plan outlines the steps necessary to reduce carbon emissions and transition towards a greener economy.

The summit highlighted key updates and successes in the district’s Net Zero journey, providing a comprehensive overview of ongoing and future projects.

Innovative Projects and Success Stories

Mine Water Heating Scheme

Lynn Dunning, CEO at the National Coal Mining Museum for England, presented an innovative project that leverages the district’s coal mining legacy. The museum has implemented a mine water heating scheme, which extracts geothermally heated water from old mines to heat the museum.

This project, supported by Our Year funding, not only mitigates the environmental impact of coal mining but also serves as a model for potential future applications in heating local facilities.

West Yorkshire Police’s Sustainability Goals

Anda Baumerte from West Yorkshire Police discussed the force’s strides towards sustainability. Key initiatives include:

  • Securing public sector decarbonisation grants for two of their buildings.
  • Expanding their fleet of electric vehicles, currently at 17 out of over 1,200.
  • Developing the first carbon literacy toolkit in policing.
  • Incorporating sustainability as a central theme in their latest strategy.

Better Neighbourhood Fund Success Stories

The Better Neighbourhood Fund, a Council initiative providing community climate grants, has enabled various local organizations to undertake impactful projects. Notable examples include:

  • Open Country: Purchased an electric-assist trike and equipment for wildflower growing and tree planting, enhancing accessibility to the countryside for people with disabilities.
  • Portobello Community Forum: Installed solar panels and battery storage, significantly reducing their carbon footprint and energy costs.

Enhancing Tree Coverage

Roger Parkinson, a volunteer with the Woodland Trust, discussed efforts to improve tree coverage in the district. Since the 1980s, tree coverage has increased from approximately 4% to 14%, surpassing the national average of 12.82%. This achievement underscores the community’s dedication to enhancing local biodiversity and combating climate change.

Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action Pledge

During the summit, attendees had the opportunity to sign a placard in support of the Yorkshire & Humber Climate Action pledge. This pledge, developed by the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission, is the first regional initiative of its kind in the UK. It aims to rally organizations across the region to take decisive action against climate change and embrace the benefits of a green economy.

Support from Our Year – Wakefield District 2024

The event is part of the broader Our Year – Wakefield District 2024 initiative, a year-long celebration featuring a variety of spectacles, festivals, major events, and community activities. This program highlights the district’s cultural and environmental assets, fostering community engagement and sustainability.

For more information on Wakefield’s climate initiatives, visit

Related Accommodation

The accommodation below is nearby - and has been updated recently.

The Mews Hotel

77 Dale Street, Wakefield, WF5 9HN, United Kingdom

Wakefield Limes Lodge

188 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield , Wakefield, WF3 3LS, United Kingdom

Campanile Hotel Wakefield

Monckton Road, Off Denby Dale Road, Wakefield, WF2 7AL, United Kingdom

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