HICA Group’s Specialised Care Initiative for Veterans

in Bridlington in Harrogate in Hull

In honor of Armed Forces Day, the HICA Group, a prominent social care provider headquartered in Yorkshire, has announced announced a significant honor of Armed Forces Day, the HICA Group, a prominent social care provider headquartered in Yorkshire, has announced a significant initiative to enhance care for veterans.

This initiative involves the adoption and implementation of the Veteran Friendly Framework (VFF) across its 17 care homes and services, spanning locations such as Bridlington, Harrogate, and Hull.

Commitment to Veteran Care

The HICA Group is dedicated to achieving the Veteran Friendly Framework accreditation, which necessitates adherence to eight specific standards. These standards include signing the Armed Forces Covenant, a commitment to supporting the armed forces community, and developing tailored care plans that address the unique needs and experiences of veterans.

Terry Peel, CEO of HICA Group, emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating,

“At HICA, we understand that caring for veterans requires a tailored approach that considers their unique experiences and needs. By rolling out the Veteran Friendly Framework, we’re committed to ensuring that veterans in our care homes and their loved ones receive the best possible care for their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. We’re aiming to achieve Veteran Friendly Status across all our homes, and this initiative marks a significant step in that direction.”

Role of Veteran Friendly Champions

A key component of this initiative is the appointment of Veteran Friendly Champions at each of HICA’s care homes and services. These champions, two from each facility, will play a pivotal role in advocating for veterans and ensuring the implementation of the VFF. Their responsibilities include staying informed through Armed Forces events and groups, celebrating military events, engaging with Armed Forces Network groups, and building relationships with healthcare providers and veteran charities.

Mark Green, Operations and Compliance Manager at HICA Group, who is leading this project, highlighted the broader impact of this commitment:

“Our commitment to veteran care highlights the importance of tailored support for veterans’ wellbeing and mental health. By embedding the Veteran Friendly Framework across all our care homes and services, we’re helping to set a new standard for veteran care in the region.”

A New Standard for Veteran Care

The VFF accreditation process not only ensures that care homes meet essential standards but also promotes a culture of understanding and respect for the armed forces community.

This framework ensures that veterans receive care that is not only compassionate but also cognizant of the specific challenges and experiences faced by those who have served in the military.

Standards of the Veteran Friendly Framework

  1. Armed Forces Covenant: A formal pledge to support those who serve or have served in the armed forces and their families.
  2. Tailored Care Plans: Personalized care plans that consider the unique needs of veterans, including their physical, emotional, and mental health requirements.
  3. Veteran Friendly Champions: Designated staff members who advocate for veterans and ensure the implementation of the VFF.
  4. Ongoing Training: Continuous education and training for staff to understand and address the specific needs of veterans.
  5. Community Engagement: Active participation in military events and Armed Forces Network groups to foster a supportive community environment.
  6. Collaboration with Veteran Charities: Building strong relationships with organizations that provide additional support and resources for veterans.
  7. Health and Wellbeing Initiatives: Programs focused on enhancing the overall health and wellbeing of veterans.
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessment of care practices to ensure they meet the standards of the VFF.

Impact on the Community

By adopting the VFF, HICA Group is not only improving the quality of care for veterans but also setting an example for other care providers in the region. This initiative underscores the importance of recognizing and addressing the unique needs of veterans, thereby promoting a higher standard of care and support within the community.

HICA Group’s efforts to implement the VFF reflect a broader commitment to social responsibility and excellence in care. The appointment of Veteran Friendly Champions ensures that veterans’ voices are heard and their needs are met with compassion and expertise.

For further information about the HICA Group and its services, please visit HICA Group.

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